(251) 215-9275

Virtual Estate Planning: Let’s Get Your Alabama Will or Trust Prepared from (Almost) Anywhere

We’ve developed a process to make it easier than ever for you to meet with an attorney and prepare your estate plan.

How It Works

We bring you access to an estate planning attorney in the convenience of your home, office or anywhere you have a phone or internet connection. You can prepare your estate planning documents without ever stepping foot into a law firm, with appointments that fit into your schedule. 


You start the process by filling out a form with your contact information here.

We will reply with a link for you to fill out our online estate planning questionnaire.

If you would like to talk with someone at the firm about our process, estimated costs or other non-legal questions, you may schedule a quick introductory appointment here.


When we receive your completed estate planning questionnaire, we will contact you to setup your virtual planning meeting with the attorney.


The planning meeting with the attorney will take place over Zoom.

During the planning meeting we will discuss your estate planning needs and everything necessary to prepare your estate plan. Expect the planning meeting to take between an hour to an hour and a half. At the end of the planning meeting, we will provide a price quote for our services. We will ask you to e-sign our agreement and submit an online credit card payment of at least half the price quote to get us started working for you. After we receive the signed agreement and the online payment, we will contact you to setup the review meeting.
Final Step

The review meeting will take place over Zoom. During the review meeting we will review and explain your estate planning documents.

If you request any revisions, we will make them during this meeting. At the end of the review meeting, we will ask you to pay the remaining balance of your price quote. After we receive full payment, we will release your final documents to you for the signing.

Depending on your location and other circumstances, we may be able to provide a virtual notary for the signing. If not, we will recommend an alternate signing method. After your documents are signed, we ask that you send us a copy (preferably a scanned copy) so that we can review the documents for accuracy and keep a record copy for your file.


We bring you access to an experienced estate planning attorney anywhere in Alabama. This is not an online form software. You will meet virtually with an experienced Alabama estate planning attorney.


A streamlined, efficient process to get it done quickly with minimal time and effort on your part. We can offer a very fast turnaround on the finished product.


You meet with your attorney when and where you want with appointments that fit into your schedule instead of ours.


You can meet from a location of your choosing where no one needs to know you’re meeting with your attorney.

Now preparing your will or trust is more convenient than ever.

Our virtual estate planning is very similar to our celebrated in-person estate planning process. The key difference is convenience for you. You can meet with your attorney from whatever location is convenient for you. Depending on your location, we may be able to provide a virtual notary for your document signing or recommend a mobile notary who will come to you.

With the rise of video conferencing software, preparing an estate plan with an attorney has never been easier. Virtual estate planning, remote estate planning, online estate planning, digital estate planning, whatever you want to call it, our clients love it and we do too. Our clients tell us how much more comfortable they are having a meeting in their home. For us, we love having the ability to tap into our technological tools during the meeting, including demonstration materials and information searches, in a way that isn’t distracting.

What is Virtual Estate Planning?

Virtual estate planning is the process of creating and finalizing your estate plan with an attorney entirely through digital means. No need to drive to a law firm or sit in a stuffy office—all the meetings take place online, from the initial consultation to the final document review. Imagine having the power to protect your assets, provide for your loved ones, and outline your wishes for the future, all from the comfort of your home or any place you choose.

What is the process?

Our virtual estate planning process is very similar to our in-person process. There is no reduction in the quality or level of service, the main difference is that meetings take place via conferencing software like Zoom. We start by sending you educational materials and a personal information form. The educational materials will likely answer a lot of questions you have about estate planning and the different estate planning options available. The personal information form will help you gather the information we need to have a productive meeting. 

During the virtual meeting, we will discuss your goals, objectives, what you are hoping to achieve with your estate plan and any concerns you may have. Then, we build your estate plan around those goals and objectives. At the end of that meeting, we’ll usually quote a flat price to get started. If you choose not to move forward, there is no obligation. At this time, we do not charge a fee to set the meeting. If you do choose to move forward, the next meeting will be to review and signed your finished estate plan. 

One thing we enjoy about virtual estate planning, we have the ability to vary our process around what works best for you. For example, sometimes our clients have trouble fitting meetings into their schedule. In our typical process, we have a live meeting to review your completed estate plan. However, with virtual estate planning, if you have a hard time working a meeting in your schedule, we have the option to make a recording of the estate planning review that you can watch at your convenience.

After the review, we’ll make revisions if necessary, and the final step is signing the completed plan. We have options for facilitating the signing. We can remotely notarize the documents with you over a videoconference, or we can find a notary to come to you. We’re currently in the process of creating a roster of mobile notaries across the State of Alabama. The true final step is celebrating the completion of your estate plan and enjoying the relief of not having it weighing on your mind anymore.

What are the benefits of Virtual Estate Planning?

Comfort and Convenience: The Home Advantage in Virtual Estate Planning

One of the standout benefits of virtual estate planning is the comfort it offers clients.  Virtual estate planning allows you to have important conversations from the familiarity of your own home. Discussing matters of estate planning can often be a sensitive and deeply personal experience. When you’re in your own space—whether it’s your living room, home office, or even your favorite cozy nook—there’s a natural sense of ease that can’t be replicated in the formal environment of a law firm’s office.

We do our best to create a relaxing environment. Our attorneys are great at putting people at ease. But, as hard as we try, it’s near impossible to replace the comfort of your own home. Being in a comfortable and familiar setting can significantly reduce the stress and anxiety that can sometimes accompany these discussions. You can relax, be yourself, and express your concerns and wishes more openly.

 This comfort level can lead to more honest and thorough conversations, ensuring that your estate plan truly reflects your desires and needs. Moreover, having these meetings in your own space allows for a more personalized and less intimidating experience, fostering a stronger, more trusting relationship with your attorney.

Seamless Scheduling: Virtual Estate Planning for the Busy Professional

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for essential tasks like estate planning can be challenging, especially for those with demanding schedules. Virtual estate planning offers a solution that fits seamlessly into the lives of busy professionals. By eliminating the need to commute to a law firm and allowing for flexible scheduling, you can arrange virtual meetings at times that are most convenient for you. Whether it’s an early morning session before your day begins, a lunchtime appointment, or an evening meeting after work, virtual estate planning adapts to your availability.

This flexibility means you can manage your estate planning without having to disrupt your professional commitments or personal responsibilities. The ease of accessing legal services from your home or office—without needing to account for travel time or rearrange your day—ensures that you can prioritize your estate planning without sacrificing other important aspects of your life. This streamlined approach not only saves time, it also reduces stress, making it easier to focus on creating a comprehensive estate plan that meets your needs.

Enhanced Privacy: Discreet Virtual Estate Planning

One of the significant advantages of virtual estate planning is the enhanced privacy it offers. When you engage in estate planning from the comfort of your home or another private location, there’s no need to visit a law firm in person. This discretion means that no one—potentially including your spouse, family members, or colleagues—needs to know that you are meeting with an attorney. For those who value their privacy or wish to keep their estate planning efforts confidential, virtual meetings provide a secure and unobtrusive solution.

This privacy can be particularly beneficial in sensitive situations, for example, if you’re planning for contingencies that may involve delicate family dynamics or personal matters. Virtual estate planning allows you to have candid conversations with your attorney without the concern of being seen entering or leaving a law firm. This level of confidentiality ensures that your decisions and discussions remain strictly between you and your legal advisor, allowing for a more open and honest dialogue that leads to a well-crafted estate plan tailored to your specific needs and wishes.